‘Cry-Baby’ the musical. Produced by the Leduc Drama Society, to be performed at the Maclab Centre for the Performing Arts May 12-14 2022.
Auditions will be held Sunday, January 23 from 12:30-2:30 pm, and Wednesday, January 26 from 6-9 pm. If you are interested in booking an audition spot, please email director Megan Wagner at [email protected] with your name and which day you are available to audition.
Please prepare your favourite Broadway number or 1950’s rock and roll song under 4 minutes in length to sing at your audition. A sound system will be available for you to play any backing tracks you may need.
It's 1954. Everyone likes Ike, nobody likes communism and Wade "Cry-Baby" Walker is the coolest boy in Baltimore. He's a bad boy with a good cause – truth, justice and the pursuit of rock and roll. Cry-Baby and the square rich girl, Allison, are star-crossed lovers at the center of this world. Fueled by hormones and the new rhythms of rock and roll, she turns her back on her squeaky clean boyfriend, Baldwin, to become a "drape" (a Baltimore juvenile delinquent) and Cry-Baby's moll. At the other end of the topsy-turvy moral meritocracy of 1954 America, Baldwin is the king of the squares and leads his close-harmony pals against the juvenile delinquents, who are ultimately arrested for arson, sending the drapes all off to prison. It's Romeo and Juliet meets High School Hellcats.
Don’t be a square! Come on out and audition for this super fun show! (Although in this show, we definitely need some squares :P)
*Please note that the Leduc Drama Society playhouse and the Maclab Centre for the Performing Arts have both opted in to the Restriction Exemption Program*
*This is a volunteer opportunity*